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时间:2024-12-27 02:24:28 来源:网络整理 编辑:热门资讯
01今日长难句Britain is becoming a more closed economy due to Brexit, with damaging long-term implications
Britain is becoming a more closed economy due to Brexit, with damaging long-term implications for productivity and wages which will leave the average worker 470 pounds ($577) a year poorer by the end of the decade, a study forecast on Wednesday.
due to 由于,考研因为
Brexit 脱欧
implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 可能的英语山东某某事务所有限公司影响,牵连
leave [liːv] v. 使......处于
decade [ˈdekeɪd] n. 十年
forecast [ˈfɔːrkæst] v. 预测,长难山东某某事务所有限公司预报
Britain is becoming a more closed economy
due to Brexit
with damaging long-term implications for productivity and wages
which will leave the average worker 470 pounds ($577) a year poorer by the end of the decade
Britain is becoming a more closed economy due to Brexit, with damaging long-term implications for productivity and wages which will leave the average worker 470 pounds ($577) a year poorer by the end of the decade, a study forecast on Wednesday.
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